Salam & Hi to all..
Just a quick update. As you all know, I'll be departing to Abu Dhabi tonight at 9.05 p.m by Qatar Airways from KLIA.
I'm so excited to go there for a week and I really hope that I've the chance to visit around Abu Dhabi & Dubai once I'm there. Hehe..ramai la jugak yg dah 'book' souvenir from me. InsyaAllah, aku try beli as many souvenirs as possible for you guys with my 'tight' budget nie. Yela, belum start keje lg kan, so jgn expect souvenir yg gempak2 yer kawan2. Even my sister siap tempah jubah dr sana & my mom plak nak rantai or gelang dr sana. Haiyoo, celah mana nak cari yer?? Haha..
Just nak bgtau la the itinerary of my flight. It will be a 7 hrs flight (omaigod, sah2 la jet leg aku nnt) from KLIA to Doha, Qatar (which will be 1 hr transit before reaching Abu Dhabi), so tentatively should arrive in Doha around 11.50 p.m (nmpk mcm kejap kn tp kul 11.50 tu actually waktu kt Doha, time difference dlm 4,5 jam cmtu). Lepas tu from the, the flight to Abu Dhabi will depart at 1.05 a.m and should arrive Abu Dhabi International Airport at 3.05 a.m (just 1 hr flight tp sbb time diffenrence, nmpk mcm 2 hrs). Whoah, journey paling lama that I'll ever have. Hoho..
From the airport, there'll be a pick up for us (owh from Malaysia, there'll 5 of us including me) to Middle East & Asia Learning Centre (MLC) which is owned by Schlumberger & also will be the place that I'm going to stay for a week for the induction course. So, bye2 Malaysia, see u on the 30th!
Wish me a safe journey, pergi & balik~ =)