Tadi around pukul 5.30 ptg camtu, I got a call from Elly. She was asking me to go out for dinner at Mawilla (not only me la, together with Jamal, Zaini & Kamal but Zaini didn't join us). So, four of us had a dinner at 7 o'clock. FYI, Mawilla is a place where they serve seafood. So kalau datang Labuan, mesti singgah k since masakan diorg memang la terbaekk~ We had 'Ketam Masak Telur Masin' , 'Ikan Goreng Pedas' , 'Butter Milk Prawn' , 'Telur Dadar' , 'Baby Kailan with Osyter Sauce' & 'Fish Soup'. Memang terbaek la all the foods and thanks to Kamal for treating us all tonight.
Ok, this week also, my segment; Completions is having 2 people transferring out to other location which are Ms. Premjit Gill & Mr. Wesley Attkinson. Premjit is a RMC Field Engineer in Labuan but will be going to be a Resevoir Engineer for DCS in K.L. Meanwhile, Wesley is a SMS Field Engineer and is transferring to Houston, Texas as a Sustaining & Development Engineer. Both of them have been a very good friend of mine here in Labuan. Prem is like my big sister here since she helped me a lot especially when I was in RMC before (i'll be missing her a lot!! sob3x..). Wesley is my 1st American friend (i would say) and he also had taught me a lot on SMS stuff (even though sometimes he was quite annoying. =P). To both of them, I wish you guys all the best for your new job at your new location. Hope to see you guys soon. Thanks for everything, Prem & Wes!! =)