Sunday, July 19, 2009

My New Fragrance : StarWalker - Mont Blanc

Today, I went to Ujana Kewangan with Faris just to free ourselves from the fucking boredom living in Labuan. We shopped few things and the highlight of the day, definitely the perfume that both of us bought. Faris bought a perfume from Dunhill (I forgot the name of the fragrance~) and me, I bought a perfume from Mont Blanc, the StarWalker. The smell is fucking good I tell you. Can't wait to have it on my clothes tomorrow. Haha..the price? Hmm,as compared to K.L, for sure the Labuan price is much cheaper. You can get 3 bottles of the same brand in Labuan with a price of a bottle if you buy in K.L. So,you guys can estimate la the price right?

my new perfume~ =)


Qarl said...

i nak u belikan BVLGARI AQUA

ori ke perfume2 tu sume

i luv

DKNY gak

tp skang tgh gune DAVIDOFF Cool Water

aNaS iBraHiM said...

Karl: Mesti la ori,if not I won't buy k. Standard still kne jaga. Hehe..labuan mmg murah since kat cni duty free. nnt when I'm going back home,i'll buy it for u but no promise eaa. =P

Anonymous said...

wah..anas da kaye skrg! :)

eazy insyira said...

anas.for me jugak!
i want dior.
or gucci.
klu ade please inform me =)

*karl.davidoff echo sangat cool!

Anonymous said...


I have gone through from your post. You have defined the good use of Starwalker Mont Blanc pen. To get know more about the Starwalker Mont Blanc kindly visit at Starwalker Mont Blanc